Home Energy Anti-Slavery

Home Energy is committed to maintaining and promoting ethical business practices and policies that safeguard human rights. This Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy outlines our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, including human trafficking, forced labour, and all forms of slavery. This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and other business partners of Home Energy.

Commitment to Ethical Practices:

Home Energy is dedicated to conducting business with integrity and fairness, ensuring all our operations are free from modern slavery and human trafficking. We comply with all relevant legislation, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Due Diligence Processes:

We implement rigorous due diligence procedures to identify, assess, and mitigate risks of modern slavery within our business operations and supply chain.

Regular audits and assessments are conducted on suppliers and contractors to ensure compliance with anti-slavery laws and ethical standards.

Supplier and Partner Expectations:

All suppliers and business partners must adhere to our anti-slavery standards. Contracts include clauses that ensure compliance with our policy and the law.

We reserve the right to terminate business relationships with any supplier or partner found in violation of this policy.

Training and Awareness:

Employees receive training on modern slavery and human trafficking to recognise signs and understand the necessary actions to take.

Awareness programs are conducted regularly to reinforce our commitment to preventing modern slavery.

Reporting and Whistleblowing:

A confidential reporting system is in place for employees and third parties to report any concerns or suspicions regarding modern slavery.

Reports can be made anonymously, and no retaliation will be taken against anyone making a report in good faith.

Responsibility and Accountability:

The senior management team is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.

All employees and business partners are expected to uphold the principles set out in this policy and report any breaches.

Continuous Improvement:

Home Energy is committed to continually improving our practices and procedures to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

We will review and update this policy regularly to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with legal requirements and best practices.

Approval and Review:

This policy has been approved by the Directors of Home Energy and will be reviewed annually or as required to reflect new legal or operational changes.